lundi 18 avril 2011

about ...

Many times it was necessary to be curious and creative. Maybe the pink panter it's me, in CCK11 !
To know the theory and texts that support the Connectivism was a point important to integrate the MOOC.
Today a report with exposition of the data to first and the second part of a avaliativ process of the MOOC#cck11 was distributed.
The responsibility of the process was with
Dr. Luisa dall’Acqua
Cognitive Scientist - Senior Knowledge Management and Instructional Design Researcher
GSi EDU-Research Group – Switzerland

After the didactic planning (Siemens and Dowens) and the 12 weeks in a public process, the evaluation contributes for the agreement of the process of the course and analysis of the participants.

I already forgot my answers but I consider interesting to verify this Feedback (data).
I do not remember my number and I am surprise for this. For times the numbers are not important!
But I am a curious person about the answers of the people who had participated of the course.

Now I have a vision of the participants who had answered to this evaluation, and consider interesting that the word learning it gets importance while tag.The course was on knowledge and to tag it was on learning.It represents thus our linking with the Education in old molds.

When reading with difficulties the answers of the participants are very funny to observe high and the low ones of the understanding of the chaos.

I repeat that somebody is amused to complain on the Elluminate sessions that had been cancelled since I did not participate of none!

Somebody answers on opening email and finding the letters daily that in the truth were tracks on the points most interesting to be discovered: to answer to blogs, to read the interesting answers of the others, and pages and videos.

To learn with the MOOC is as an inquiry of the Sherlock Holmes.

To understand that each head is a world and that for times many people to make unimaginable openings is very good.

Exactly thus it's important to perceive the great difficulty of many in cooperating with any person, therefore rare they had been those that had tried to help those that presented doubts. to partake is a more easy verb, to collaborate is a more difficult verb.

I think that many people do not believe the learning possibility are of the school.

After all the facilitators explained weekly, and the texts were weekly and it did not have collection on postagem forms. The free contribution still is part of our learning.

The experience of the MOOC for some was superficial, but in the truth it is not:

- each head is a world and must learn to dialogue with this chaos.
- each one suffers inflency from its environment therefore is very good for learning to appreciate with the differences.

To demonstrate its desire to learn cannot be a superficial experience.

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