dimanche 27 novembre 2011

Engagement and Motivation

hi all, after reading Engagement and Motivation by Stephen Dowens, and friends Jonh and Jaap.

  I decided to invite some participants MOOCA # change11 to play with me on this post.
The question- A image or video mobilizes a greater engagement than a post. Or What your opinion about Multiplexing.

In the picture has Thinglink , explore (with mouse) and leave your answer, please play with me.

vendredi 25 novembre 2011

I don't have Leica

But I know that teaching is art!
I use the technology to post photos and short videos of my students and try a good teamwork with your parents.
This's my orchestration !

A machine can be programmed to play an instrument 'perfectly' or to draw a 'perfect' picture, but that's not really what we seek.(Jon Drom)

This is SOFT

Being able to use the tools is a starting point and most good teachers will learn to do that well because they care about teaching. (Jon Drom)

This is HARD.

I have an elephant in my living room

" But there is more to education than just the technologies: the elephant in the room here is the less tangible but most important stuff - not what is done but how it is done." J. Dron

I have an elephant in my living room

Jaap is my friend but just enjoy the pictures !!!!!
Does he think my problems or not!
It is hard ............. maybe. But I use Jaap as an example. Sorry Jaap!

I believe that in his classroom he seeks a balance, I also seek a balance. In looking for an orchestration.

I like the idea that Jon Drom wrote from the simple to the complex. Or soft-hard continuum.

"A machine can be programmed to play an instrument 'perfectly' or to draw a 'perfect' picture, but that's not really what we seek."

But many teachers like to perfection as if children in their learning process does not fail.

" Human processes can be hard too" (J. Dron) or " It depends on your point of view Hardness and softness are not innate characteristics of objects and processes." (J. Dron)
I like this slides,


Transformation -
Redefinition, Modification
Enhancement -

Augmentation, Substitution

Pedagogy, content, technology

jeudi 24 novembre 2011

My students were born in the XXI century

LOL! how can we forget the tecnology..... it's impossible!

"...the social technologies underpinning Web 2.0 are fundamentally different in their dynamics.... offer benefits that significantly exceed the promise of their forebears." Jon Dron

I don't like the word "control" but I appreciate "choices"! Why the impossible happens more often!

" However, through assembly, soft technologies can bind together different hard technologies to make an overall system softer. No innate preference Pedagogies are technologies (Dron, 2009)."

But how to orchestrate (soft and hard) ... our differences may be the hardness of those born in XX century ..
And I know nothing about design technology
I like to think about technology and (good or bad) people of any age are kind of like a music box.
Within each person there are things soft and hard!
And we find difficult to manage this process.
This process is too heavy or hard.
what's your music, what's your tecnology, soft or hard..

mercredi 23 novembre 2011

#change11 Abundance and Rhizome - II

MOOC #change11 - o conteúdo é liquido (volume constante, forma variável)

Ainda com a Nancy encontro que conectar pessoas transforma o modo de pensar,as pequenas ações contribuem para esta mudança e enfrentar novas praticas significa dar um salto qualitativo nesta mudança.
Mas na verdade quando a criança amplia seu mundo familiar direcionando-se para o ambiente escolar esta ampliação ocorre também, principalmente porque a escola deveria ser considerada uma rede social.La encontram-se os grupos, os nós, porem a escola foi implantada em uma atmosfera hierárquica, uma instituição com pouca liberdade e muitas obrigações.
Leio o blog da J. Mcness, “… social artist invites you to engage – listens, empathises, values, validates, amplifies and most of all asks the questions that will create the social space needed for learning.”

Releio o MOOC e acredito que esqueci o T. Bates, mas não considero um esquecimento. Efetuei a leitura sobre a Gestão das tecnologias e a necessidade de reinvenção do ensino superior.

Erik Duval me faz refletir sobre as minhas pequenas ações com as crianças, os videos, as fotos digitalizadas ou seja a tecnologia presente nas aulas com crianças. Elas nasceram no Séc XXI e seria irresponsabilidade minha não corresponder a esta expectativa. As aulas fluem melhor com a " abundancia" de feedbacks através da tecnologia.
" If our students will live in an even much more abundant world (Moore's law is exponential!), then we need to prepare them to leverage that abundance – we should certainly not exclude it from our classrooms! " 

Nostalgic vs Futuristic


mardi 22 novembre 2011

#change11 Abundance and rhizome - I

the wall ......education, religion, culture, language....

Eu recordo que houve um impacto quando do inicio do CCK11. As dificuldades foram muitas, como :
A língua inglesa, o tempo disponível, o choque de conhecimentos e abordagens desconhecidas, a ampla liberdade de seguir os meus insights, a escolha de alguns blogs a seguir, como a Vanessa, o Jaap, o Jonh...

Não posso escrever que compreendi todo o conteúdo, mas aprendi muito e principalmente com o Chaos!
Faz o meu estilo de aprendizagem esta forma rizomática de aprender, onde os seus pensamentos unem-se a lembranças e conhecimentos adquiridos anteriormente.
o #change11 apresenta-se com abordagens interessantes e logo apos a semana sobre Gestão, está  muito fértil e desta forma o tempo torna-se curto para apreciarmos os links com textos apresentados e seguirmos os blogs e opiniões dos participantes.
Ontem a noite reli algumas semanas a partir de Martin Weller e o seu ótimo livro.
A bolsa digital e as mudanças necessárias das praticas acadêmicas devido as novas tecnologias.
-Novas metodologias (pesquisa e ensino)  e novos métodos de investigação de resultados, e por consequência o novo papel do professor em meio as redes sociais e a distribuição de conteúdo digitalizados que provocam a indefinição da Educação, entre o formal e o informal.
O velho papel do professor como fonte unica de informação esta fadado ao esquecimento. E as pressões por mudanças provocam  tensões nas universidades.

Esta Aprendizagem Coletiva ,  provoca uma aprendizagem, com pessoas, grupos e redes, oferece um novo conceito do Coletivo e Individual, relação redefinida pela tecnologia.
O impacto da web expandiu a aprendizagem social. Esta construçao de significados envolve conexões e remix de fragmentos do conhecimento onde as palavras mais utilizadas são:
Conectar, utilizar este conhecimento, remix e contribuição (partilha). Eu não participei das atividades propostas, mas ainda ha tempo!

D. Willey provocou a todos os participantes com a pergunta: Que tipo de mudanças desejamos e o que se pode fazer para mudar.

McGreal direcionou a semana para a compreensão de que as Universidades necessitam implantar recursos abertos evitando ambientes restritivos, ou seja, permitir a Educação universal.
O futuro da Aprendizagem tem como foco a transformação da aprendizagem informal ou formal, ou seja, mudanças no sistema educacional.
Nancy White lançou os participantes do MOOC em atividades que envolveram o artístico social apontando que a mudança já acontece.

Muitas leituras com hipertextos interessantes. Importante dar um tempo para respirar ! uf!

ainda faltam Dave Cormier, Erik Duval and Jon Dron.

lundi 21 novembre 2011

the pedagogy, Goldilocks and the three bears

The week run. But my thoughts are of social artists and ..... Cormier,  a great weekend!
Throughout my childhood tales were present, were mild and taught, with the initial reading with my mother (learning soft) and then by self-interest.
To try to put yourself in the other is very good training for the imagination.
Booker continues "This idea that the way forward is to find a middle way between the exact opposite is of extraordinary importance of storytelling." [Wikipedia]Here

 the best path between pedagogy and technology!

This video is soft!

Goldilocks and the # Bears from Cisco Gamez on Vimeo.

vendredi 18 novembre 2011

always on

- We are connected to the digital networks , Exemples in  professional area,  here
- These connections offer us opportunities to be much more open and transparent in how we live and work and learn  

mercredi 16 novembre 2011

jeudi 10 novembre 2011

Rhizomas in the University

 my University

I love the park......... 

In University Park is easy to find an education rhizome, but the buildings .....

this is a metaphor

Murmuration from Sophie Windsor Clive on Vimeo.

mercredi 2 novembre 2011

mardi 1 novembre 2011

how to revise...

patterns (cck11 vs change11)

I'm late.
My participation in cck11 was important.
I am reflecting about the differences, because I’m work with distance education and are important points to differentiate -

1-Constructivism vs. Connectivism

2-Collaboration vs. Cooperation

3-cck11 vs change11

John'sblog has helped me a lot.

1- constructivist learning is situated, social learning with formative assessment, in connectivism create meaning from their own experience and connections are important sources of information, increasing the digital literacy and critical thinking.

3- cck11 provided the knowledge point to position myself in the chaos, there was a  personal focus.
change11 has an amplitud, provides the basis of information on what is changing in the education systems and resources necessary reflection on the open source and universities proved slow in this process.

2- A important knowledge was to change the label immigrants and native for residents and visitors.

Stephan Dowens

group is colaboration  and network is cooperation.

200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes - Gapminder.org

I'm late... i'm late...

200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes - Gapminder.org