mardi 31 janvier 2012

fast times and slow times of learning

Pimp my desk
 What did I learn in the #Change11 MOOC until now?
 What will I write for One Change a Day? 


I learned to think more freely,
I let my thoughts flow. Free.
This freedom does not involve a curriculum, but students are bound to think what others think of what they want, automatically.

Today one of them asked me , < what should I write the blog> and I told him to have freedom, he was responsible, he was the editor.
and he wrote!
And with it I let my thoughts flow as I do in Mooc.

This way he can understand the connections of thoughts, which are many, varied, but incredibly lead to a common point.(feedbacks)

I went to a exposure of industrial design. Finally they change the students' chairs. Great idea.

The walls of schools must also change. The walls are white screens where often put the answers to tests when the teacher did not explain well the content.
Individual seats not generate collaboration.

lundi 30 janvier 2012

3 questions and 3 pictures

What happens when you leave students alone? (here)

If  he failed we can study alone!
The theme of this week would be CognitiveComputing, but was not able to participate. I went to the site Mooc and visited the page!

I chose to read School of Interactive Computing and Research Area - Human-Centered Computing & Cognitive Science. (here)

Human-centered computing focuses on the relationship between people and computing, how that relationship affects our lives, how we think about and use these machines, how they will enhance learning, and how we can make them more approachable, engaging and effective.

But these are very interesting information here. And here.
No doubt that people want to know about the health outcomes and follow the readings on the web without going to the doctor can have consequences, but also can increase knowledge of best practices.


When course participation moves out of a course shell and into blogs, how does that change the context of the course, the participation and the learning?

_ how does that change the context of the course, the participation and the learning.... An opening does not change the context of a course. A freedom and openness causes a range (diversity) of looks. And autonomy.

We need their skills but not their anger. how do we do ....

Motivate and seduce people who resist can be very difficult. Many are lost along the way. Do not get frustrated, a generation is different from the next!

the solution is to find a hook! something that will motivate them individually. Flexibility is a exercise!

vendredi 27 janvier 2012

rhizomatic patchwork

I`m my circumstance...
Oscar Wilde, Barthes, Ortega

Jaap writes "The value of a texts does not depend on the author. The value of a text is not dependent on how many people do trust the text.  Critical reading of texts could be the heart of education. The value and trustworthiness of a text lies in the network of texts (not persons) it belongs to. ( Is experience and reality a sort of text?)" 
and I could to think about the giant ( post)  "Let me immediately acknowledge that using metaphors to illustrate an issue is often a minefield of elements that do not transfer well to the main focus, or elements that are interpreted differently."
times changed...
I like to reflect different moments in time. I like 20`s
I dont know , but I remembered the work of Ortega! ( This is not politics, but something much deeper than the above, the actual social organization of humanity)

exemples- Grécia, Wall Street, Egito ...Crowds and human masses

Photo Cube

change and constant move

Photo Cube     image 

jeudi 26 janvier 2012

Week 20 - II

1- The process of self-organizing *is* the process of learning.
(S. Dowens)

We think  knowledge from the individual, but learning was transmitted  and the learner recognized that learning. In XXI century knowledge has arisen with the crowd (social networks) and learning  from the individual.

My goals-
guide the learning of literacy and media
encourage transparency
digital citizenship

I observe that - Cartesian roots are being modeled by an action multi-temporal (physical + virtual space)

I like the concept of rhizomatic community, the concept of student as a knowledge worker and teacher who observes the time of each student.

Networks offer diversity of ideas

People May to choose from Dozens Hundreds of television channels, Thousands of
videos, millions of books, CDs, and multimedia, interactive documents on the World
Wide Web, and seemingly Countless other consumer items in catalogs or Presented
advertisements in one medium or another.

By learning literacy students can answer questions-
  -Whose preferences are used, Whose preferences are used, What incentives are there for people to offer preferences, What is the form of a preference? How are preferences represented

mercredi 25 janvier 2012

Collaborative wall

week 20

University 1.0
1-This week is on the role of technology in disrupting the very idea of a learning community
2-We have seen in the 20 weeks of Change 11 the ways in which individuals and groups who have never met each other collaborate, argue, and establish systems of recognition and rewards.
3- Blogs, virtual seminars, OpenStudy  makes it easy for groups of students who are studying the same material at the same time to find each other, set up collaboration spaces, and both create and spend social capital as they learn and help others to learn.

The blogs in my experience planned for 2012 can not be considered an opening of the University.
I avoid writing about the beginning of this experience, because at any moment it may cease to exist.
None of this happens by magic, and central to the idea of social networks is the idea of a network. YES, that’s true.
I can ‘t think of research groups, my goal will still be the knowledge of social networks and digital literacy.
I like this post!

lundi 23 janvier 2012

Read, watch and write - I

Humanity has made the mistake of different points of view isolating themselves into echo chambers of agreement — let's move away from this unhealthy practice  Respectful disagreements are the first step towards seeking solutions…(here)  

Read, write, this is my Mooc. I read JaapThe title of the post has the word epistemology. I always think about epistemology. Just yesterday I read and liked the epistemology based on Morin.
The chapter in the book points to the need to revise the look!
Or Re-vision!!
The current paradigm imprisons our mental model.
I think the crisis will be necessary to transpose and adopt the rationale of the principle of epistemological complexity and transdisciplinary perspective and also Nicolescu DellorsBarabasi....
But several readings lead us forward, a evolution, ( ) about MOOC ,  Flow of non- linear learning, and chance and choice etc.

vendredi 20 janvier 2012

where`s my recipe book?

S. Dali - 

I am reading the words of Dave Snowden who scored many people in posts this week, "Do not give up on formal education, but interact with the 'real world' and read out side your subject."
I really enjoyed.
My learning style is free, I like to follow the images that appear in my mind.
The initial image was of a sculpture of  Dali.(old times)
During the exhibition, I thought:

1 - specialties that divide people in Education,

2 - the drawers of our unconscious as scars on our body and mind

3 - our availability schedules ordered

4 - knowledge and learning that are at the bottom of each drawer!

  I'm on another day reading the blogs of MOOC ..............
I read several blogs from A - Z  MOOC site. A nice ride on human diversity!

1 - beginning with the name of the blog.

2- posts and various interests

3 - post time (cyclical time or pointillist)

4- Persistence vs. Desistance

We are beautiful.

1-What is the certainty of what might be in each drawer?

2 - there is chaos in each one of us?

3 - what is the difference of their drawer of my desk drawer, since our body is one body?

4 - each head a world

jeudi 19 janvier 2012

my chaordic time

Long time no read the blogs of my friends Mooca.
And I wrote here, with good humor, that what I write may have felt for me and for some people, but many others might consider stupid!

I read this great article here and I like and agree with what is written.
Teachers are KNOWMAD ....The knowmad is mobile and learns with anybody, anywhere, anytime.

As learning is a cyclical activity, I'm in a time interval, no doubt to reflect or to digest ....(here)
And "In a pointillist construct, the 'content' is determined by the learner at points of learning, in collaboration with other--and it is emergent, participatory, and often tacit."

More than four ways to be here

"A more complete translation of the word would be that it conveys the sense that we all have multiple pasts of which we can only be partly aware: cultural , religious , geographic , tribal etc...." (here)

We think of  XX century on the influence of environment on the individual.
Now, in a chaotic and uncertain environment we think solutions for the XXI century.

This is an evolution-

How to survive and how to decide? big questions today.

mardi 17 janvier 2012

Between the known and unknown


I like this video!

Understand - Chaotic, Ordered and Complex Systems

Many texts and it will be very difficult to read and comment. I need time.

The texts have a direction to companies. But as for my knowledge management direction is to the students how to think differently.
We will act in a " chaotic and randomly select " :) ... What happens can be a choice based on Serendipity

"Complex adaptive systems theory is used to create a sense-making model that utilises self-organising capabilities of the informal communities and identifies a natural flow model of knowledge creation, disruption and utilisation.However the argument from nature of many complexity thinkers is rejected given the human capability to create order and predictability through collective and individual acts of freewill.

lundi 16 janvier 2012


Just yesterday I wrote about Theory, on the theory of human development that I like. Among my books are authors as Gallahue and Papalia.
Maybe now I can use the name SERENDIPITY.

Theories of Human Development and Learning Theories were formulated in sec. XX.

New theories fit into the twenty-first century, as the Connectivism as MOOCA learn.
Great word:

"Knowledge Can only be volunteered, it can not be conscripted."
"People always know more than They Can Tell,  and Can They tell more than write."
"People only know What They Need To Know When They need to know it."

vendredi 13 janvier 2012


I'm just a mentor for new teachers. That's it!
At the University, there are teachers... (I'm secondary teacher, rs) l.
In my group has 14 students and 02 tutors on-line and 01 face-to-face tutor.
We talked and diverge. I like the autonomy of students, but the face-to-face tutor (1 day per week) appreciates the old methods.

This image is the reflection in early 2010 and I need new ideas. This year, after the CCK11 MOOCA and other readings, I have implemented a blog for my students.
I have my fears? ! yes
Our area is not related to online, but face to face. All they need updated news.

I worry if my students do not create off the platform of the course.
Each student will learn digital literacy in 01 months.

The teachers knew little about the university's online teaching. Many still do not know. I `m very angry and impatient, but students are slow and patience is a good learning. I learned to take one step at a time! I know I'll do better, but only students will find positive results.

mercredi 11 janvier 2012

no words about XXI century

I hope the best

 I'm out of words to write about my feelings between academia and cake recipe.
I do not think I can adapt myself to any more after learning MOOCA as part of my learning style.

This is a choice between academic and authentic!
 I like multiple perspectives and different points of view

"As universidades no Brasil trabalham ainda com uma distinção muito rígida e hierárquica entres suas três áreas de atuação mais fundamentais: pesquisa, ensino e extensão. Somente quando houver um entendimento de que essas três dimensões têm força e importância equivalentes, a questão da “divulgação” deixará de ser “menor” para a ciência. Faz parte do processo de pensar, de modo estrutural e não acidental, o compartilhamento dos saberes em busca de novas e melhores partilhas dos poderes."aqui

lundi 9 janvier 2012

XXI Century

I like this Project - Explore and analyze, define a problem, research solutions, planning, production and publication
These films look specifically at ways in which school leaders and educators are testing and proving project-based models for a new, student-centered model of learning. This collection -- which includes profiles of school innovators David "T.C." Ellis, Jean Johnson, and Larry Rosenstock, as well as a profile of school architect Randall Fielding -- explores collaborative, creative, multi-disciplinary approaches to engaging students. Each leader has developed personalized, project-based approaches for students that encourage them to take ownership of the ways in which they learn and present what they know. Together, these films suggest just how much young people can achieve when their education is well aligned to their own natural interests.( here) 

samedi 7 janvier 2012

Students are critical?

Being "critical and reflective " in Education brings various conceptualizations.
In higher education may be dependent on the area, where the perspective of the speaker is different, mainly because in addition to personal positions, the focus of the teacher is the discipline that is taught.
There is undoubtedly a union of groups in any collegiate course that generates a common direction, but peppered with personal reflections.
But the questions in the reflective face or distance learning, should have a greater emphasis from the student, as well as experience with philosophical reflections that happened in my experience and my students of distance education were participatory.

Moments to reflect on three critical and reflexive action
1 What happens during a search on websites or articles
2 The education that occurs when learning in class, at any level.
Another requirement is the habit of repeatedly asking questions, even obvious: Why?Why not? What do you / he / she thinks? What is the evidence? How convincing is it?What reasons can there be to bias?
Also essential: a life-long learning on how to analyze the issues, their own and others and how to seek answers
3 What happens to have a critical reflection in light of the issues that arise during thecourse or cross-cutting themes and how new teachers should pay attention to this detail
In blog posts from the past:
The learning as happening? What worked? what was important? Would use again? Ievaluated? I efficient?
In  posts in relation to the present:
What fits with the curriculum? How learning happens now? I am effective? Where can I improve?
In posts about the future:
What are my strengths? How will I re-use this knowledge for the future today?

vendredi 6 janvier 2012

Participation map


This is interesting reading.
I forgot that my students need to learn the favorite, known tags...

To participate need to know the power of collaboration.

jeudi 5 janvier 2012

Developmental Continuum

Interesting reading in Castells : 
- Networked society proves to be more important than the information society or knowledge.
- The flexible partnerships are interesting
- How to act in network societies is a response to crises in some countries
-Media is the set of texts, hypertexts, TV, newspapers, films and videos, music, games and Art

Understand the new logic is important.

Stones and flowers

"Fundamental aspects of democracy, economic production, the discovery and use of knowledge might be at stake."(Rheingold)
Also essential: Lifelong learning about how to examine questions, one's own and others', how to hone and order them, and how to pursue answers.(Shapiro)

mercredi 4 janvier 2012

Cooperation and reciprocity


Here With this video I remember the encoding and decoding issues that have always existed with the introduction of the alphabet and that self-interest rather than altruistic, because of the trade, many civilizations have enriched each other in this cooperation.

No doubt different strategies created by different cultures and at different times. (here),  or political times.

Time, trust and ....

The story teaches us and making analogies is always very interesting.


Strategies have always existed, each suited to a stage of civilization.

orchestration of credibility

digital literacy

This week at # change11 deepen knowledge about literacy.
Many interesting words: goodinfo, badinfo, credibility, critical stance, urban legends and rumors.
As metaphors words thermometer and speedometer are important.
In addition to teaching and learning about the tools to be aware of five skills in times of social networks, mobile and always online:
attention, to detect the trash (spam), collaboration, participation and networking know-how.
Quality control of the content published mainly have critical thinking or critical reflection and this is a personal skill.
In addition to teaching my students using the tools and the system of encoding and decoding, I need the basics of search and detect what is important or is garbage.
Investigate before accepting anything.
Before - Who is the author?
Now - Who owns the site!

The suggestion to check (minimum)  three links is great.
Much more important is to know the power of expression in a sea of ​​information that can sometimes be contradictory .

But I have one question: what is the opinion of Rheingold on The Wisdom of Crowds, in the next post.

mardi 3 janvier 2012


I`m surprised and I`dont know how to make the most of Pearltrees
Maybe I`m far from the trees.
I need time to explore.