mardi 25 octobre 2011
lundi 24 octobre 2011
samedi 22 octobre 2011
Construção do conhecimento - pedagogia
Por mais de 02 semanas estou sem digitar corretamente. Dou preferencia a fotos ou videos, ordens medicas.
Também tenho acompanhado lentamente os blogs sobre o #Change11.
Mas durante estes últimos dias da semana recebi textos muito bons.
Em minha areá profissional as minhas tentativas são direcionadas para que meus alunos se apropriem da tecnologia e reflitam sobre mudanças de ação, porem o peso hierárquico sobre o ensino se mostra sempre mais forte.
A minha primeira impressão sempre foi a do abismo que separa, por motivo do letramento digital deficiente, os meus alunos de um maior acesso tecnológico.O conceito de Nativos e Imigrantes do qual discordava sem ter base e fundamentos para sustentar o meu pensamento.
Realmente a palavra Nativo tem uma certa ligação com a Biologia e a palavra Imigrantes tem ligação com a território.
A melhor substituição (distinção) ocorre com Residentes e Visitantes.
Visitantes - a web como coleção de ferramentas , para serem utilizadas com objetivos definidos.
Residentes- a web como espaço social, visível, quando você faz parte de uma comunidade mesmo sem ser cooperativo.Como em um parque, em um belo dia de sol.
A necessidade de unir o conhecimento com a realização de tarefas que tenham alguma semelhança ao que ocorre no real se torna cada vez mais importante.
Quanto as mudanças no ensino superior aprecio muito as minhas leituras neste blog.
Connectivist Learning: How new technologies are promoting autonomy and responsibility in education
Também tenho acompanhado lentamente os blogs sobre o #Change11.
Mas durante estes últimos dias da semana recebi textos muito bons.
Em minha areá profissional as minhas tentativas são direcionadas para que meus alunos se apropriem da tecnologia e reflitam sobre mudanças de ação, porem o peso hierárquico sobre o ensino se mostra sempre mais forte.
A minha primeira impressão sempre foi a do abismo que separa, por motivo do letramento digital deficiente, os meus alunos de um maior acesso tecnológico.O conceito de Nativos e Imigrantes do qual discordava sem ter base e fundamentos para sustentar o meu pensamento.
Realmente a palavra Nativo tem uma certa ligação com a Biologia e a palavra Imigrantes tem ligação com a território.
A melhor substituição (distinção) ocorre com Residentes e Visitantes.
Visitantes - a web como coleção de ferramentas , para serem utilizadas com objetivos definidos.
Residentes- a web como espaço social, visível, quando você faz parte de uma comunidade mesmo sem ser cooperativo.Como em um parque, em um belo dia de sol.
A necessidade de unir o conhecimento com a realização de tarefas que tenham alguma semelhança ao que ocorre no real se torna cada vez mais importante.
Quanto as mudanças no ensino superior aprecio muito as minhas leituras neste blog.
Connectivist Learning: How new technologies are promoting autonomy and responsibility in education
View more presentations from Stephen Downes
vendredi 21 octobre 2011
jeudi 20 octobre 2011
lundi 17 octobre 2011
jeudi 13 octobre 2011
week 05
Do they need to start a university, a high school, or an after school program?
This is a good question!
This is a good question!
I' m responsible for students in distance education system and find problems with the web 2.0 tools.
Teachers workshops media do not offer the necessary explanations for a good understanding for pedagogical use in the classroom.
But this is necessary for the universities which are located in pre school.
These are the two extremes of necessary innovation.
If you ask me what basic knowledge for students to correctly use web 2.0 tools in school, I submit this link.
mardi 11 octobre 2011
Dialetica with words
In media age, Abelardo write about the words!
Now , Abelard to Apple: The Fate of American Colleges and Universities
" The vast majority of American college students attend two thousand or so private and public institutions that might be described as the Middle--reputable educational institutions, but not considered equal to the elite and entrenched upper echelon of the Ivy League and other prestigious schools. Richard DeMillo has a warning for these colleges and universities in the Middle: If you do not change, you are heading for irrelevance and marginalization. In Abelard to Apple, DeMillo argues that these institutions, clinging precariously to a centuries-old model of higher education, are ignoring the social, historical, and economic forces at work in today's world. In the age of iTunes, open source software, and for-profit online universities, there are new rules for higher education. DeMillo, who has spent years in both academia andin industry, explains how higher education arrived at its current parlous state and offers a road map for the twenty-first century. He describes the evolving model for higher education, from European universities based on a medieval model to American land-grant colleges to Apple's iTunes U and MIT's OpenCourseWare. He offers ten rules to help colleges reinvent themselves (including "Don't romanticize your weaknesses") and argues for a focus on teaching undergraduates. DeMillo's message--for colleges and universities, students, alumni, parents, employers, and politicians--is that any college or university can change course if it defines a compelling value proposition (one not based in "institutional envy" of Harvard and Berkeley) and imagines an institution that delivers it."
You can make more words with your face than with your mouth. So you'll hear more with your eyes than you can see with your ears.
Open Your Face and Make Words from impactist on Vimeo.
lundi 10 octobre 2011
week 02 - m-learning
Experience Mobile Mobile from James Théophane Jnr on Vimeo.
week 03 - digital scholarship HERE
week 04- Collective " New levels of aesthetic integration enhance our ability to share as one global voice, one world. "
Comics: Storytelling for Cultural Imperatives from I-Open on Vimeo.
Experience Mobile Mobile from James Théophane Jnr on Vimeo.
week 03 - digital scholarship HERE
week 04- Collective " New levels of aesthetic integration enhance our ability to share as one global voice, one world. "
Comics: Storytelling for Cultural Imperatives from I-Open on Vimeo.
dimanche 9 octobre 2011
![]() |
Yes, .....! |
Fragmentation of knowledge is different of fragments of knowledge.
Fragmentation means that the more separate than united.
But we used fragments of our knowledge with others we will be expanding our collective learning.
Connect the fragments of knowledge in the ecosystem of open and participatory learning enables the creation of meaning.
The strength of bond that unites us is the social objects.
jeudi 6 octobre 2011
mercredi 5 octobre 2011
Imagine your world
Imagine Your World from Alyson Beaton on Vimeo.
the bet is a meeting of people with different professions to consider solutions based on knowledge.
mardi 4 octobre 2011
Collective learning
Collective learning makes sense to the knowledge accumulated in our civilization.
The collaborative learning - network, groups
It's necessary for problem-solving innovation leads to a diversity of ideas.
I wonder how my students learn, if there competencies to live together, make connections.
I question the mentality of my students, if acept the differences.
The factors that bind the individual are knowledge and curiosity, desire to learn, autonomy and access to the internet.
And know the keywords too.
The new paradigm suggests that the individual and the collective are indivisible.
A new behavior is needed.
Use, create, remix.
Here are two examples of
collaborative learning, with different ideas and
lundi 3 octobre 2011
Individual and collective
A Colaborative Happening from Richard on Vimeo.
New insights -
The aquisition metaphor - learning,
The participation metaphor - networks
The knowledge-creation metaphor - knowledge creation
Ideas or making sense
The Alphabet 2 from n9ve on Vimeo.
Last week everyone talked about Digital Scholar and Public engagement with diversity of ideas.
Today the first reading made me reflect on Collective learning with Co-creative engagement.
This is diferent of Collaborative learning.
Knowledge creation and collective learning are interesting points. But is necessary to redefine the words - collaborate and cooperate or collective and individual.
The cooperation is dependent on processes of discovery, synthesis and sharing of fragmented (tacit and explicit) knowledge. And the Collective learning is framed by a number of societal and technological trends:
1- knowledge is becoming increasingly openly available for problem solving and learning and create new meanings. Need connections across people, teams, organizations, communities, and societies as well as the relationships,
3- Becoming competent could be viewed as the ability to perceive the links between these loosely related knowledge fragments (Falconer, 2008; Siemens, 2005).
4- Complex problem solving requires learners to have flexible responses which could not have been anticipated (Nardi, Whittaker and Schwarz, 2000).
By working on a similar goal, people with expertise in different domans collaboratively build knowledge using a social media tools.
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